In todays society communication is important. The communication
channels are developing all the time and it´s not easy to keep up with the
change. If you can’t communicate you cant get far in world. Because every part
of your life is depending on communication; your clothing choice, makeup, body
language, your eyes say allot, walk, talk, language skills, expressions etc.
It’s a two-way communication, so every single thing matter for how the other
person will react and how you will react on his responding. There can become
some misunderstandings because you didn’t quite now how to use communication in
a good way, and then you will get a respond you didn’t hope for. It is also
important in the organizational life and the working life in general. Since it
will create common understanding environment between the employees and
management. And it increases also the productivity in the organization, like
the employee’s productivity.
It´s allot of stuff you need to think about to create good
communication and to develop you communication skills. I study Sociology and
Political science back in Norway and here I´m taking communication, media, business
and economic classes. The reason for that is that I might want to work with
Human Resources later on and communication is one of the most important things
in Human Resources. In generally I love to talk, and I also talk way too much
sometimes. Have you ever experienced standing and talking to someone and trying
to convince him or her but then they totally misunderstand the whole thing?
Well I have, since I get sometimes to enthusiastic about something but don’t
use communication in a good way so it ends up with confusion. I would love to
learn good communication, how to persuade people and make them believe me even
if I told a lie (Not that I want to tell lies, but it can come in handy).
Good communication includes also active listening and forming
constructive criticism. That’s a side I´m bad at, specially the active
listening since I talk way to much. I worked
for a year now in a organization called AIESEC, that I worlds biggest student
driven organization. I was the Project Manager for a semester and then the Vice
President. Something I learned from that period of time is that I have to
listen more and give more constructive criticism. Also no matter how great
ideas you have if you cant communicate properly nobody will do as you told them
and you will have to do everything by your self at the end. Triple work!

I just want a tree to be a understood as a tree..